Tiny Sparks, Big Flames is all about inspiring creatives, innovators, and difference makers who are daring to live their dreams. You’ll hear their engaging stories; highlights and challenges along the way; and success secrets for catapulting roadblocks to accomplish their visions.
How Can This Be? It’s Go-Time for Season 2
Wow, how quickly time flies! I can hardly believe I’m sitting here at my computer again, talking with you about the making of Season 2 of Tiny Sparks, Big Flames. We’ve all lived through so much over the past few months and years. In the U.S. alone, we’ve been grappling with the ongoing pandemic, harrowing stories and images of war in Ukraine, an economic downturn, mass shootings across the country, and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. And the U.S. is only one of 266 countries in the world, according to CIA’s World Fact Book – each with our own unique challenges and uncertainties. Now more than ever, it’s time …
In this deeply personal interview, I talk with Kristen Edens, the talented quilt artist and founding owner of Edens Heirlooms. …
This special episode of TSBF features internationally acclaimed artist Tommy Simpson, whose award-winning work has been shown in more than …
In this inspiring, deeply personal interview, I talk with Dr. Marty K. Casey, the talented actor, activist, and founder of …
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